Easy Way to Beat Mage Tower as a Prot Warrior
Timewalking Mage Tower is a permanent feature introduced in Patch 9.1.5, previously available only during Legion Timewalking. It allows players to complete 7 different challenges for unique rewards in Shadowlands.
In this guide, you will more information about how to enter the Mage Tower, the rewards you can get, and the challenges that await you.
What is the Mage Tower?
Mage Tower is a feature from Legion brought back in Shadowlands In Patch 9.1.5.
Azeroth's champions can enter the updated Mage Tower to complete 7 challenges for various rewards.
How Does the Mage Tower Operate in the Shadowlands Expansion?
The Mage Tower works similarly to how it did during Legion. The original 7 different challenges (grouped by your specialization's role) are available to try repeatedly.
How Long Will the Mage Tower Be Available?
As of March 29, 2022, The Mage Tower is available permanently and not tied to Legion Timewalking.
Where is the Mage Tower Located?
You can find the Mage Tower at Deliverance Point (Broken Shore). The easiest way to get there is by using your Dalaran Hearthstone.
How Do I Enter the Mage Tower?
Talk to War Councilor Victoria at the Deliverance Point during Legion Timewalking to enter the Mage Tower.
What Happens to My Character When I Enter the Mage Tower?
All characters that enter the Timewalking Mage Tower will be scaled down to Level 45. The gear gets scaled down to Item Level 50.
Which Spells Are Banned from the Mage Tower?
Many borrowed power systems are banned from the Mage Tower, meaning you cannot use them. Banned spells include:
- Runecarving (Legendary) Powers;
- Tier Set bonuses;
- Shards of Domination procs;
- Covenant Signature and Class Abilities;
- Soulbind Powers and Conduit procs;
- The Heart of Azeroth and Azerite Gear.
Which Items Are Banned from the Mage Tower
Legion Legendaries will not work, as they were all disabled in Battle for Azeroth.
Item procs from previous expansions, like the 10-15% primary stat increase from Spellbound Runic Band of Unrelenting Slaughter from Warlords of Draenor and Wrathion's sockets from Mists of Pandaria ( Capacitive Primal Diamond,
Courageous Primal Diamond,
Indomitable Primal Diamond, and
Sinister Primal Diamond) will not work in the Mage Tower either.
In total, there are 7 different challenges (grouped by your specialization's role) in the Timewalking Mage Tower.
Each challenge comprises a series of solo encounters that must be completely survived to earn rewards. However, they do not require that you have an Artifact, or even that you originally played Legion.
We have a dedicated guide for every challenge available on separate pages linked below.
- "Closing the Eye" for Arms Warrior, Frost Death Knight, Havoc Demon Hunter, Survival Hunter, and Subtlety Rogue.
- "An Impossible Foe" for Elemental Shaman, Feral Druid, Fire Mage, Fury Warrior, Outlaw Rogue, and Unholy Death Knight.
- "The God-Queen's Fury" for Arcane Mage, Assassination Rogue, Demonology Warlock, Enhancement Shaman, and Retribution Paladin.
- "Feltotem's Fall" for Beast Mastery Hunter, Destruction Warlock, Discipline Priest, and Windwalker Monk.
- "The Highlord's Return" for Blood Death Knight, Brewmaster Monk, Guardian Druid, Protection Paladin, Protection Warrior, and Vengeance Demon Hunter.
- "End of the Risen Threat" for Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Mistweaver Monk, Restoration Druid, and Restoration Shaman.
- "Thwarting the Twins" for Affliction Warlock, Balance Druid, Frost Mage, Marksmanship Hunter, and Shadow Priest.
Even though the Mage Tower challenges are the same as those players experienced in Legion, the rewards are different. While old rewards like Artifact tints will not be returning, players can obtain Legion-themed armor sets, a new mount, and Druids will be able to get a Guardian Druid Fel Werebear Form.
Players who complete a Mage Tower challenge will receive a new recolor of the Mythic Tomb of Sargeras Tier 20 Set.
You will find a preview of all the sets you can obtain in our news post .
Fel Werebear Guardian Druid Form
Guardian Druids who complete the tank challenge will receive a new tint of the Bear Form named Fel Werebear.
Soaring Spelltome Mount
A Tour of Towers is an achievement that requires you to complete every unique challenge available at the Mage Tower. It rewards the
Mage-Bound Spelltome.
Thank you to Reddit user tehbzshadow for the screenshot.
Tower Overwhelming Achievement
While the Tower Overwhelming achievement does not reward anything, it mostly caters to players who like to push themselves beyond their limits. To earn it, you must complete every challenge at the Mage Tower across all classes and specializations.
- 30 Mar. 2022: Mage Tower is now permanent.
- 11 Dec. 2021: Mage Tower extended.
- 07 Dec. 2021: List of banned items and spells added. Guide refined for Timewalking launch.
- 25 Nov. 2021: Guide added.
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Source: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/shadowlands-mage-tower-guides
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